Code 85-20150

The Fast Cut Table Exfak is specially designed for quick and easy cutting of 1.3m adhesive rolls.


It is equipped with a professional-cut precision ruler, coupled with a “carriage-blade” (see photo for details). It also has a pulley with a counter to measure the length to be cut. Built in high quality enameled tubular profile and is easy to transport.

How to use it

The cutting table is quite simple to use. Position the spool of adhesive over the supporting metal tubes. Unwind the coil passing the precision cutting ruler, indicate zero on the meter, pull the sticker to the defined meter (note if the meter has reached the desired measurement), pass the blade carriage over the detached sticker, roll it up.


It is recommended that you cut coils weighing up to 30 kg, whether adhesive coils, tarpaulins, etc.

Always check the meter meter if it is at zero.

Perform blade revisions for accurate cuts.

Do not lean on the table.

1.60 m (width)
91 cm (depth)
92.5 cm (height)

More Information

For more information, watch videos, see usage photos, schedule a visit with a technical salesperson.

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Schedule a visit. To get to know the product up close, Exfak offers a technical visit from a seller, call 11 3607-7676.

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